“I decided to be a volunteer for Steps because I have lived with a lower limb condition and have gone through two femoral osteotomies, and I have lots of experiences that I would like to share to help support and be there for others going through, or facing a similar situation. I was supported by a Steps volunteer myself and I found the support invaluable, knowing that I had someone who I could talk to who fully understood what I was going through. I don’t know how I would’ve coped without the support from Steps and now I want to use my experience to help others.
Looking at the positives of my experience, I am much more self-confident and I’m learning to love my scars: I have a 21 cm scar and a 6-inch scar the shape of a lightning bolt, which my wee nephew says is ‘cool’. I found strength and bravery within me that I didn’t know I had and now I can use my experience to help support others going through a similar thing. I have good days and bad days but even though I had to get both my femurs broken to walk more normally, things are looking brighter. I have applied to study physiotherapy at university, as my experience has inspired me to work with and help others going through similar experiences.”
You can read more about Elise’s experiences of femoral retroversion, a condition linked to hip dysplasia, her diagnosis, treatment and recovery to date here.